From day-to-day expenses of household upkeep, to our to our more ambitious Preservation Plan, the Center is always grateful for the financial support of the community and businesses. If you would like to donate to the James Rose Center, please use the link below, or contact us at director@jamesrosecenter.com.
This giving season, we are offering a special gift for you generous contributions:
Contribute $250 or more and receive a copy of Rose’s last book: The Heavenly Environment (and Other Crimes)
Contribute $500 or more and receive a copy of Rose’s biography: James Rose: A Voice Offstage, AND his last book, The Heavenly Environment (and Other Crimes).
The James Rose Center is always looking for assistance in preserving the historic residence of James C. Rose. Besides offering several volunteer days each year (see link below), we also welcome the skills and efforts of community members who wish to donate their time and energy for the Center. Feel free to contact us directly if you want to assist us in any of our ongoing projects. Other questions? Contact us at assistantdirector@jamesrosecenter.org.